Pastor's paragraph

"Be Thankful"

In Psalm 9:1 we read, "I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works." This is the month of Thanksgiving and in my message Sunday, Nov. 7th, I challenged our congregation to take a note pad and write down everything they were thankful for. A child met me at the door as we exited church and showed me her list. it was in excess of four pages! She truly blessed my life, in which I was truly thankful! In a world filled with negativity, division, and hatred it is imperative we turn our hearts from these influences and turn to Jesus. When I think of what it means to "Be Thankful" in my life, I first turn to my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I am thankful for God the Father who loves us so much, in spite of our many sins, that He sent his only Son to be the sacrifice for our sins! I am thankful for the love Jesus had for mankind that he allowed us to nail him to a cross where he died in our place for our sins. I am thankful for the empty tomb three days later as God the Father raised Jesus Christ to newness of life! I am thankful that my Savior lives today and is at the right hand of the Father in heaven. If that were all I am thankful for it would be more than enough. But there is so much more! I am thankful for my immediate family, parents, sisters, and my extended family. I am thankful for my precious wife of 33 years and our two sons, and my daughter-n-law. I am thankful for my health, my freedom, and the life I live. I thank God for leading me to pastor Buchanan Baptist Church. I am thankful for the relationship I have within and outside our church family. You know, when I stop and think about it, there is far more that I am thankful for than what I am not. The difference in life, for me, is where I place my focus... on the good or the bad. It is true, we will always find what we are looking for in life. Look for the bad in our days, and we will see all the bad there is and then some. But when we look for the good in our days we will be encouraged and uplifted by how awesome the Lord is each moment of every day. How can anyone who lives under the promise of spending eternity in the presence of the Almighty God not be thankful? We have the greatest gift ever given; we have been saved from eternal separation from God in hell! Nothing gets any better than that! Perhaps that is why the Psalmist wrote, "I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works." What are you thankful for?

God bless you,
Darrell Naff

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